Episode 65: The Murmur of Bees by by Sofia Segovia
While listening to the audio version of this magical book which is set on a farm in Mexico during the pandemic 100 years ago, I was working on a farm in Michigan and living through a pandemic in 2021. (AND, AND it originally came out in 2015 but it SEEMS like she MUST HAVE KNOWN that another pandemic was coming, you know.)
Anyway I highly recommend experiencing it that way if you can. Medicate and listen to it in a hammock or working in your garden! There is a mysterious wise boy who communicates with bees and knows the future. There is a woman who nurses 3 generations of a family and outlives them all. There is the family that is doing their best with surprises and suffering. There is a dark terrible villain who felt cheated. There is sugar cane giving way to orange trees and old ways giving way to new. This is the magic of reading. This isn't my story but it IS my story. Thanks Amanda and Angie for hanging with me on this one, and for eating the oranges and honey and for smoking all the things. It was so lovely.