Episode 81-The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald
It was so interesting to revisit The Great Gatsby 100 years after the time it was set in. Was Fitzgerald's snapshot of America post Spanish flu jazz age that much different from post Covid America? Are rich couples still getting away with murder? Are lovesick people still doing things for the most bizarre of reasons? Are people still partying too much on Long Island? Yes and Yes and Yes. But it is a short and completely delicious read and Fitzgerald's ability to create so many vivid characters in so few pages is still so impressive and fun. I listened to the audio version read by Jake Gyllenhall and would highly recommend that. Shout outs to Decriminalize Nature petitioners out and about at Movement in Detroit all last weekend and thanks to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for having so much weed for the nearby states who don't. Thanks so so much to my guests-resident Gatsby obsessed expert Eleanor Hanley(first timer!), Moon Abbott(thanks for coming back!), and Paul Gordon(host of Diamond Dust-ups)for joining me!