Episode 48: The Fellowship of The River by Joseph Tafur, MD

Shelly joins with Jim Salame, Julie Barron, and Matt Pancone from the Michigan Psychedelic Society to discuss The Fellowship of the River, A Medical Doctor's Exploration into Traditional Amazonian Plant Medicine, by Dr.Joseph Tafur. Beginning with the story of his own healing journey, he weaves the worlds of science and shamanism together to share how ancient plant medicine, specifically Ayahuasca, can heal the underlying emotional and spiritual 'dis ease' that manifests as chronic illnesses including migraines, Crohn's disease, psoraisis, PTSD, and depression. The personal stories of pasajeros in ceremony is a mind opening hopeful look at a different way to heal. We are left with the knowledge that our earth is full of magical healing plants that we need to engage with and understand.

Guests: Jim Salame, Julie Barron, Matt Pancone


Episode 49: Homesteaders by Nina Shengold


Episode 47: Maybe Shorty Should Be A Detective by Heather Jay Harris